
Co-operative Young Leaders

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Summer Camp

Co-operative Young Leaders is a summer experience unlike any other. This week-long camp brings young people together from all across Ontario to learn about, and practice, communication and leadership through co-operative activities. From its inception in 1967 to its 50th year in 2017, more than 3,000 young people have gone through Ontario co-operative young leaders programs.

Each camp session is aimed at the youth of a particular age. There are sessions throughout the summer for youths aged 13 to 18. Every year, Ontario co-ops and credit unions give 200 young people a chance to attend CYL, which is a program of the Ontario Co-operative Association. It is held at the Co-operative Education Centre located in Aylmer, Ontario.

To encourage youth leadership, in collaboration with the other Ontario federations and CHF Canada, GHCHF has committed to sponsoring several youths to attend the Co-operative Young Leaders Camp (CYL) at no cost to the participants.

This is a fabulous opportunity for a youth living in your co-op. Application forms are circulated each spring through our electronic newsletter the Federation Update.

Experience the CYL Magic

Co-operative Young Leaders is based at the Co-operative Education Centre (CEC), located near Aylmer ON, at the Gay Lea Dairy Museum. It is a summer camp experience unlike any other, for youth ages 13 to 18.

This week-long camp brings together youth and empowers them to be Explorers, Trailblazers and Visionaries, while equipping them with the change-making tools and skills they need to succeed in the world. Our co-operative mentors work with the youth to embrace and enhance their leadership potential. They develop self-confidence, learn from inspiring leaders about community, and practice team-building and leadership skills through co-operative activities. One part traditional camp experience and one part experiential education, this program takes youth out of the classroom environment and lets them lead.

CYL has three main goals:

  1. To provide youth with a fantastic summer camp experience in a safe and secure environment.
  2. To develop leadership skills and foster self-confidence and self-awareness.
  3. To create a stronger awareness of co-operatives and the principles that guide our sector.