
Membership Benefits

Golden Horseshoe Co-operative Housing Federation

Co-op Support

Help and advice when you need it – answers to your questions are just a phone call away.

Representation and Advocacy

GHCHF represents and defends the rights and interests of co-ops at the local level by:

  • Working with local housing networks
  • Building links with municipal government and agencies
  • Involvement with the co-op housing sector and other related groups

Co-op Programs

GHCHF members get access to exclusive programs that make the most of your co-op’s money and support the future of your co-op’s members:

  • Co-op Cost Cutters
  • Co-operative Young Leaders
  • Diversity Scholarship Fund

Resources and Education

Our education program offers education events and tailored portable workshops at your co-op to support and foster healthy communities. These options are available for Boards, members and staff. Other resources include downloads and links to support your co-op’s management, governance and community building.

Services Designed for Co-ops

Our services are delivered by skilled facilitators who understand co-ops. Most services are available to members without additional costs and are included in the member dues. Other services are provided at cost by charging a nominal fee. These services include:

  • Advice and consulting
  • Conflict resolution and mediation
  • Meeting services and chairing

Helping People Find a Co-op

We help co-ops fill their units with our Find a Co-op online directory. The GHCHF website sees a lot of traffic from people looking to learn more about co-operative housing and connecting with a co-op in their area.